
If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. (Author Unknown)

The photos in these collages were taken at the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls on a recent visit.  A beautiful glass-enclosed, tropical setting, heightens the experience of being with these “lovely critters.”   Butterflies are weird little critters. They have taste buds in their feet, which they use to decide if the leaves they land on would make a good home for their children. They have eyes that see in the ultraviolet and infrared, so what we see as a white pansy is actually a multicolored neon “Eat Here!” sign to them. And they have noses on the end of their antennae, which they use to sniff out flowers that are full of nectar. Metamorphosis (with statue & Butterflies)

It was fun to be surrounded by over two thousand butterflies. I get this light, airy, whimsical feeling when I see butterflies. Do you? As the kids would say – “awesome.” Got to thinking when I was there about the many stages of growth (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis) that take place before this wonderful metamorphosis occurs. Nature takes its course with everything. We too go through many stages from birth to adulthood (infancy, childhood, adolescence) and experience many changes along the way. We don’t take wings and fly but nature has endowed us with the wonderful ability to change internally as well as externally. We are evolving and growing and having our own “metamorphosis” as our thinking changes and we become more aware not only of ourselves but of those around us.

Butterflies (with pussy willows background)

May we all become as beautiful as butterflies and share our beauty with the world around us.  Although the butterfly has a short life span, it’s short reign here on earth is beautiful.  I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t like butterflies.

~ Colorful Butterflies
~ Colorful Butterflies

“Life is like a butterfly – You go through changes before you become something beautiful.” (