Two words that matter so much! We all want to feel that we are loved and cherished as we live our days here on this earth. It’s very important that we are able to feel and experience this from our nearest and dearest. But how about extending that beyond that small circle of loved ones.?
I was moved by an article that was shared on called “TWO WORDS THAT CAN CHANGE A LIFE.” It resonated so much with me that I downloaded one of their cards and sent by e-mail to a few people who are near and dear to me. We really don’t know until we try what a difference we can make when we’re willing to move beyond our comfort zone. Cheryl Rice stepped up and stepped out that day.
Cheryl Rice was in the line waiting to check-out her groceries one day when she overheard a conversation between the cashier and the person that she was serving. This lady was going through a rough time and Cheryl Rice felt in her heart that she wanted to help but didn’t really know how. It was an awkward situation. She didn’t do anything.
She later saw this lady outside returning her shopping cart. She decided to approach her. This is what Cheryl said: “I couldn’t help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like you’re going through a really hard time right now. I’m so sorry. I’d like to give you something.” She gave her a “You Matter” card.
I’m sure that if you clicked on the long line above the article title in the second paragraph, you already know the story. It mattered a lot to this woman to receive the message on the card and she cried. Out of the encounter that day, something new came about that has the power to impact lives.
The “You Matter Marathon” was born and every year in November it is hoped that collectively those who participate in this project will give out 10,000 of these cards. I’m happy to say that I joined this marathon and am waiting to receive my cards.
A few days ago, I made up a poster in Piktochart which is something that I’m now experimenting with using. Guess what it says – YOU MATTER. If you feel that this is something you could use as a vehicle to reach out to others, please feel free to share.
If inspired, you can join the You Matter Marathon here and sign up to receive 30 You Matter cards at no charge! Each week in November, participants will receive an email with card sharing missions, inspiring quotes, and an opportunity to share experiences and connect with each other online.